The Influencer Chronicles: Cupcake Launches, ChatGPT Campaigns, and Finding My Tribe in LKLD

November has been busy and it’s just getting started! Gratitude fills me as I reflect on the recent whirlwind of events that have colored my life as a new local social media influencer in Lakeland, FL. Thanks to the stellar team at HotMod Agency, spearheaded by the incredible Nicole, my network has expanded, and the experiences have been nothing short of extraordinary, from indulging in sweet treats at Mike & Mike's Desserts Launch Party to chatting about my ChatGPT-fueled campaigns on The HotSpark Show and capping it off with the Influencer Networking Event hosted by the dynamic duo Nicole Bradham and Real Estate Nikki. These gatherings have left a lasting imprint on my influencer journey. Join me as I break down the highlights and share the valuable insights these events have injected into my social media escapades. It's been a ride, and I'm excited to spill the tea on all the happenings!

We Are Go For Launch!

The atmosphere at Mike & Mike's Desserts Launch Party was nothing short of heartwarming, as Lakeland-grown entrepreneurs Mike & Nate celebrated the launch of their cupcakes into over 1350 Publix stores. Held at Catapult, a 40,000-square-foot entrepreneurial center in the heart of Lakeland, the event took place in a space dedicated to fostering the growth of startups, embodying the entrepreneurial spirit that Mike & Mike's cupcakes encapsulate.

Among the standout moments was the visual journey through the company's humble beginnings, displayed through photos and a documentary-style short film. From meetings at the local Starbucks to interacting with the community and securing a spot on Publix shelves, Mike & Mike's showcased their remarkable journey. Personal interactions with Mike and Nate added a special touch, allowing me to express admiration for their products and the invitation to the event.

The star of the show was undoubtedly the cupcakes – Vanilla Beanie, Chocolate Delight, and Strawberry 2-Step, along with a seasonal Pumpkin Spice mini cupcake. Beyond their delectable flavors, Mike & Mike's cupcakes stood out for being entirely free from dairy, nuts, and eggs, making them a school-friendly and allergen-conscious treat. The desserts took center stage, embodying the dedication to quality ingredients and exceptional taste.

The launch party was not just a celebration of cupcakes but also an opportunity for networking. Connecting with fellow influencers, including @chloeeearley_, @memorarbyirisjanblog, and @paolajoannblog, added a layer of community to the event. The presence of Nicole from HotMod Agency and a photo booth with props further facilitated networking and collaboration, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Attending the Mike & Mike's Desserts Launch Party seamlessly aligned with the mission of my brand – capturing the heart and soul of Lakeland. Celebrating local entrepreneurial success resonates with my audience, and sharing such events becomes a testament to the community's wonders. The content shared during the event, including Stories and a Reel, became a dynamic extension of my brand, showcasing the vibrancy and success within Lakeland.

Aaaand We’re Live!

The HotSpark Show, a dynamic live stream on LinkedIn and Facebook, featured hosts Nicole Bradham from HotMod Agency and Grant Nieddu from State Of The Spark. As a guest, I delved into the intricacies of being a social media influencer, focusing on my expertise in utilizing ChatGPT to build impactful campaigns for my blog and social media accounts.

Our conversation spanned a variety of topics, beginning with the essentials of building a compelling Instagram profile. We explored the do's and don'ts that can elevate an influencer's online presence. Transitioning into the main theme, I shared insights into my decade-long experience in social media marketing and how this knowledge shapes my journey as an influencer.

The discussion then zoomed in on the use of ChatGPT in my campaign-building strategies. I offered a practical demonstration by sharing my screen and showcasing a current campaign – the "12 Days of Christmas." Emphasizing ChatGPT as a brainstorming ally rather than a flawless solution, I highlighted its role in crafting my entire brand identity over months of collaborative work.

Key takeaways from The HotSpark Show emphasized the significance of using ChatGPT as a creative tool for business ideas and campaign enhancement. Clear brand messaging and staying true to one's mission emerged as crucial elements. Additionally, I shared tips for small business owners and influencers, including tactics to leverage ChatGPT and boost story views. Intrigued by the possibilities of ChatGPT, the show provided valuable insights for fellow influencers and individuals keen on harnessing its potential for effective campaign building.

Influencing The Influencer

The Influencer Networking Event at The Back Nine in Downtown Lakeland buzzed with an electric and welcoming vibe. Set in a private event space adorned with exposed brick, wooden bar tables, and ambient light bulbs, the venue exuded a charming and laid-back atmosphere. The addition of two golf simulators added a playful touch to the event, creating an engaging backdrop for networking.

Hosted by the dynamic duo of Nicole Bradham and Real Estate Nikki, the event thrived on their welcoming demeanor and adept skills in connecting influencers. The focus remained on fostering connections within the influencer community, making the hosts pivotal in ensuring a successful and inclusive networking experience.

The networking opportunities at the event kicked off with introductions and a collective follow-up session, laying the groundwork for meaningful conversations. Attendees were then encouraged to navigate the networking landscape independently, fostering connections and building relationships with fellow influencers and industry professionals.

For many, including myself, the event proved to be a catalyst for confidence and community building. The newfound connections cultivated a sense of belonging within the influencer realm, offering a network to converse with, collaborate with, and bounce ideas off.

The key takeaway from the event echoed the value of pushing one's boundaries. As a natural homebody and introvert, I discovered the immense worth in initiating conversations with unfamiliar faces. The event underscored the importance of stepping out of comfort zones to foster connections in this unique influencer community.

In conclusion, the Influencer Networking Event was more than just a gathering; it was a bridge to a niche community, where influencers found common ground and established a foundation for potential collaborations.

With these reflections, our journey through the recent influencer events comes to an end. I hope this blog provides a glimpse into the dynamic world of a social media influencer and the vibrant experiences that come with it. Stay tuned for more insights and adventures!


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