Paws and Plants: The Unique Haven of Botany Cats

Meet Janette DeLoach, the ingenious mind and the proud owner of a one-of-a-kind establishment that seamlessly blends two of life's greatest joys: feline companionship and lush greenery. But what inspired her to combine the concept of a cat adoption lounge with a plant nursery to create this unique haven called Botany Cats?

Janette's journey began with a love for the traditional cat cafe, where adoptable kitties frolic amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Yet, she recognized a gap in her expertise when it came to coffee, prompting her to pivot in a direction that perfectly aligned with her strengths. And thus, the concept of Botany Cats was born—a haven where plants and cats harmoniously coexist.

Botany Cats is more than just a clever combination; it's a place where two distinct passions converge for a common cause. Worried about your mischievous feline feasting on your houseplants? Fear not! Botany Cats offers a curated selection of plants that won't harm your pets, making it a haven for plant enthusiasts and cat lovers alike.

But that's not all. Janette's background as a veterinary nurse has had a profound impact on how she runs Botany Cats and cares for the cats in her adoption program. While many cat cafes partner with external rescue organizations, Janette decided to take matters into her own capable hands. Her extensive experience in veterinary medicine allows her to triage any ailments and assess their severity promptly, eliminating the need for a middleman before reaching out to a vet. This ensures that the cats at Botany Cats receive top-notch care right from the start.

Furthermore, Janette's dedication to understanding feline behavior and creating a stress-free environment stems from her years of experience in the veterinary field. Her expertise allows her to socialize the kitties at Botany Cats in the best possible way, ensuring they thrive in their new home.

Let’s delve deeper into Janette's journey, uncovering more about her vision, her cats, and, of course, Botany Cats!

Can you tell us about the impact that cats have on the physical and mental health of humans, and how Botany Cats aims to enhance that experience?

Any pet helps reduce stress and anxiety in people. Many studies have been done on how owning a dog helps you live longer or how having plants in your home is an automatic de-stressor. If you are interested in cat science, you should absolutely watch Inside the Mind of a Cat on Netflix. It's a great documentary on how our lives and cat's lives have intersected across time. Studies have shown that our cats can sense when we're in pain (physical or emotional), and they will try to purr on us to heal us because their purrs have healing qualities for them. Ask anyone with a cat, and they can tell you how much their silly shenanigans can turn your day around. The best way for us to improve people's lives and kitties' lives is to get stray cats into loving homes where they will be cared for, and they can care for their “furever” families too; we're doing that by getting cats adopted into as many good homes as we can, we're up over 200 adoptions now!

Could you describe the unique experience that visitors can expect when they come to Botany Cats?

When you make a reservation to spend time with our cats, you can expect to have them all to yourself! During the week especially, we do our best to accommodate only one party at a time. We spend lots of time getting the cats well-socialized before arriving at the adoption lounge. So, as a guest, you can look forward to the friendliest kitties in town! They will want all the snuggles and play time you can offer!

How does Botany Cats partner with locally owned businesses and the farmer's market to create a rotating venue for cat adoptions and plant sales?

We believe that small businesses are the backbone of our community, and we want to support our fellow business owners in any way we can. We partner with locally owned businesses by popping up at their location for a few days. The kitties bring a fun new element to their business. We love bringing them extra business through our appointments. They help us by allowing us to take in visitors and perform adoptions! It's a win/win for everyone. But mostly the cats because they get all the love!

Can you share a heartwarming adoption story or a particularly memorable moment from Botany Cats?

I think my favorite adoption stories all have to do with our "shy guys," as we call them. The kitties that, for whatever reason, through unfortunate prior experiences with people or just being naturally more introverted, are super shy and tend to hide for a long time before being comfortable with people. We call my partner the "Shy Guy Specialist" because they really love working with those cats, getting them comfortable with people and more social, so they have a better chance of getting adopted.

One of the first cases they worked on, back in the beginning when we were still working with rescue partners, was a kitty named Mocha, who we got from Liberation Cat House. She had been in an accident and lost her tail, and she was really, really shy. Over the course of maybe a month or two, my partner worked on Mocha, getting her used to being pet and, finally, toward the end, getting her used to being picked up. Eventually, a college student saw her and fell in love with her, and it took about a month to get her status as an emotional service animal cleared, but she got adopted!

You could see how happy they both were and are together. My partner had definitely fallen in love with her a little bit and cried on the day she was going to go to her forever home, but even they knew how perfect it was.

Sometimes, when we pop up at that student's campus, she brings Mocha over so we can see her, and it's so nice to have those wonderful success stories where you know that the cat and the person are the exact right fit for each other. It's especially gratifying when we adopt a kitty who was so shy and scared when they came to us.

What challenges have you encountered while operating a mobile cat adoption lounge and plant nursery, and how have you overcome them?

We have faced many challenges, from nursing stray kittens back to health to (currently) needing a whole new trailer due to extensive renovation needs. We are applying for grants and accepting donations to assist in purchasing and renovating a new and improved trailer that will house the kitties.

Hey! It’s me, Emily. I wanted to briefly hop in here and tell you that Botany Cats is currently taking donations for a new, used camper since their current camper’s AC died at the end of May. As any Floridian knows, going without AC is no joke. In the meantime, they have devised a creative solution to keep their camper up and running to continue getting cats off the streets and into good homes. If you’re interested in donating to the Cam-purr 2.0 project, you can visit their GoFundMe to make a donation. Okay, let’s get back to the interview!

What role do your fosters play in helping you rescue and rehome cats and kittens from the streets?

Our fosters are very important to us! They help us by housing cats and kittens who are either not fully vetted yet or kitties who need extra TLC. We pick up our new intakes from the good samaritan who found them and bring them to a foster home. We take them to the vet once they are old enough to be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, etc. From there, they come to the mobile adoption lounge. 

Could you provide some insight into the adoption process at Botany Cats, from the initial inquiry to a cat finding its forever home?

The first step in adoption is a meet and greet with all of the kitty residents. Cats really do choose you. So, once you have been chosen and formed a connection, you will be asked to fill out an adoption screening. This has questions about your pets and lifestyle. We don't want to adopt a cat to a home that is not the perfect fit for them. We pay close attention to the needs and tolerances of every cat. You can expect an answer about your approval to adopt within 48 hours. After that, you let us know when you want to pick up your newest addition to your family! Kittens are $100, adults are $60, and senior cats are $30. That includes their spay/ neuter, vaccines, deworming, and flea prevention. We run adoption sales from time to time, which can be found on social media and our website.

How do you educate potential adopters about responsible cat ownership and the importance of adopting cats in need?

The staff and I are happy to answer any questions in person while visiting the cats. Our inboxes are always open for general cat questions or Botany Cats-related questions. Adopters go home with an adoption packet including helpful cat owner tips that even a seasoned cat owner can learn!

What has been the community's response to Botany Cats, and how has it evolved since you first started?

The community was excited and highly anticipated Lakeland's first cat lounge opening. Since we opened, our supporters and business partners have continued to grow! 

Before we conclude, enjoy this gallery of my cat, Kitty. Yes, her name is Kitty — I know it’s very creative. We adopted her back in 2018 from the SPCA, and I’m taking this opportunity (since we are talking about adopting cats) to brag about how cute she is!

As we wrap up this journey into the world of Botany Cats and its remarkable founder, Janette DeLoach, it's clear that the future holds exciting possibilities. Janette's long-term goals for Botany Cats are as dynamic as her entrepreneurial spirit. With a new trailer on the horizon, expansion is the next logical step. Whether it's forging brick-and-mortar partnerships or franchising into multiple mobile units, the mission remains unchanged: to save more cats, support local businesses, and continue providing Lakelanders with a haven of relaxation and feline affection.

But Janette doesn't undertake this mission alone; she invites you, the community, to become part of the Botany Cats family. Whether you're considering adopting a cat, offering your home as a foster, or contributing in other ways, there are countless ways to get involved. Your support through donations, be it cat food, litter, or contributions to their "Sponsor a Cat" fund on GoFundMe, directly impacts the well-being of these furry companions and furthers their mission.

For Janette, the most rewarding aspect of running Botany Cats is the transformation she witnesses in each and every feline resident. From rescuing crusty strays to nurturing them into loving house cats in forever homes, the journey is a testament to her unwavering commitment. As Botany Cats continues to grow and expand, so too does their capacity to save and love even more cats—a heartwarming testament to the enduring power of compassion and dedication. Join Botany Cats in their mission, and together, let's make the world a better place, one cat at a time.


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