Reach For The Stars At The Kennedy Space Center

The Kennedy Space Center is a place of wonder, excitement, and exploration. It's where NASA has launched countless missions into space and where visitors can experience the thrill of space travel first-hand. As you approach the center, you can see rockets towering above the trees, and the smell of jet fuel fills the air. It's a place that ignites the imagination and inspires awe.

Inside the complex, there are so many things to see and do. You can take a guided tour of the launch sites, explore the rocket garden, and even meet an astronaut. There are interactive exhibits that allow you to experience a rocket launch, try on a space suit, and see a moon rock up close. Be sure to check out the new Gateway: The Deep Space Launch Complex featuring the current and upcoming cutting-edge innovations of space exploration from NASA and their commercial partners like Lockheed Martin and Boeing. You can also enter the spaceport of the future and launch aboard one of four unforgettable journeys to distant worlds on an immersive ride. It's an unforgettable experience that is perfect for space enthusiasts of all ages.

One of the highlights of the Kennedy Space Center is the Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit. The Atlantis is on display in a massive hangar, suspended from the ceiling as if it were in orbit. As you walk through the exhibit, you can see the shuttle up close and learn about its 33 successful missions over the course of 26 years. It's a truly humbling experience to stand next to the Atlantis and realize the incredible feat of engineering that made space travel possible.

Another must-see attraction is the Saturn V Center. Here, you can see the massive Saturn V rocket that was used to launch the Apollo missions to the moon. It's an awe-inspiring sight to see the rocket up close and imagine the power needed to send it into space. The exhibit also includes a moon rock you can touch and a recreated Apollo mission control center, complete with the original equipment and consoles. On the way, you can see the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), which is the only facility where rockets have taken humans beyond low-Earth orbit and to the moon were constructed.

The VAB is opened in 1965 and is one of the largest buildings in the world by area. It covers eight acres and is 525 feet tall and 518 feet wide. During construction, 65,000 cubic yards of concrete were used, and 98,590 tons of steel were used to frame the massive structure. The iconic building features the largest American flag painted on the side (209 ft x 110 ft), along with a 12,300 square foot NASA logo on the other side. And those massive grey doors? Yeah, they take 45 minutes to open completely!

Once a space shuttle is ready to be moved from the VAB to one of the launching pads about 3.5 to 4.2 miles away (depending on which launching pad they are going to), it has to board a pair of crawler-transporters which are some of the largest machines ever to move on land. These massive machines move a whopping 1 mile per hour!

If you're lucky, you may even be able to witness a rocket launch during your visit. Launch Complex 39 is a collection of facilities that were originally built as the Apollo program’s “Moonport” and later modified for the Space Shuttle Program. The Complexe is comprised of three launch sub-complexes or “pads” — 39A, 39B, and 39C. SpaceX currently leases 39A from NASA and has modified the pad to support Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launches. NASA began modifying 39B in 2007 for the now-defunct Constellation Program, but it is currently being prepared for the Artemis Program, which is a robotic and human Moon exploration program intended to reestablish a human presence on the Moon for the first time since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972. The Project’s long-term goal is to establish a permanent base on the Moon and facilitate human missions to Mars!

The Kennedy Space Center launches rockets regularly, and the experience of seeing a rocket launch in person is something you'll never forget. The ground shakes, the sound of the engines fills the air, and you can see the rocket climbing higher and higher into the sky. It's a truly thrilling experience. Check out their launch schedule here!

The Kennedy Space Center is a place of adventure and exploration, and it's a must-visit destination for anyone interested in space travel. It's a place where you can learn about the history of space travel, see incredible artifacts and exhibits, and experience the thrill of what it's like to be an astronaut. It's a place that will inspire you to dream big and reach for the stars.


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