Revolutionizing Support: The Help(her) Journey to Empowerment

Step into the world of Help(her), where a simple yet profound idea has blossomed into a thriving community of support and collaboration. Teresa O'Brien, the visionary behind Help(her), observed a distinct need within her circle of friends - individuals pursuing entrepreneurial dreams and embarking on various ventures, all in need of a helping hand. And so, the seeds of Help(her) were sown, aiming to bridge the gap between these ambitious go-getters and the assistance they require.

As the founder of Help(her), Teresa recognized that traditional employment structures often couldn't cater to the unique needs of these small business owners. With an acute awareness of the financial constraints that can accompany the early stages of entrepreneurship, she envisioned a flexible solution - a platform that facilitates hourly, on-demand assistance. This concept was not just about crossing off tasks; it was about forming connections, sharing skills, and fostering a sense of empowerment within a vibrant community.

Teresa O’Brien

Teresa's journey was fueled by her own experiences and a realization that she wasn't alone in her willingness to help. She identified a plethora of women, like herself, who possessed diverse skills and a desire to contribute. Help(her) emerged as a place where these skills could be harnessed, and a network could be forged, enabling individuals to offer their expertise on an hourly basis. This innovative approach bridged the gap between those who needed a little extra help and those who were more than willing to provide it.

In her quest to nurture this community of empowerment, Teresa meticulously crafted an array of categories that encompass a wide range of skills and services. From running errands and cooking to providing office support, organizing spaces to aiding with event management, and content creation, Help(her) encapsulates the essence of versatile assistance. Each service holds the potential to be a transformative asset for small business owners, solo entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking support without the constraints of traditional employment structures.

Help(her) is a testament to the power of collaboration, where individual talents merge to create a collective force of progress. The platform thrives on the principles of flexibility and connection, bringing together a vibrant community of "helpers" who enable dreams to flourish and aspirations to be realized. The journey of Help(her) showcases how a simple idea can evolve into a movement that empowers individuals to make a meaningful impact, one hour at a time.

Your services encompass a wide range of tasks, from office support to event assistance. How do you ensure that each "Help(her)" is equipped with the necessary skills and flexibility to cater to diverse requests?

It is important for me to make sure a help(her) is assigned to a task that they enjoy doing. As they enter their information in our app, they select the tasks that they find joy in helping others. 

Beyond assisting businesses, Help(her) also seems to empower women seeking part-time work. Could you tell us more about the types of individuals who make up your "Help(her)" team, and the role they play in your supportive community?

Help(her) has a database of women looking for part-time and full-time work. It is our joy to advocate for them.

We present their resume to business owners and hope to connect them. We remind the women we advocate for that seasons are not forever, and it's never too late to try something new. 

What local challenges and opportunities have you encountered while building and growing your business in this region?

We launched Help(her) on January 9th, 2 months before COVID, with 12 help(her)s. We are so grateful that we are thriving with 3.5 years under our belt and more than 80 help(her)s to book for help in our app!

Collaboration and community are key values for Help(her). Could you share some instances where your network of "Help(hers)" has made a significant impact on both clients and each other?

An organization in Lakeland collectively bought over 90 hours of help for their colleague who was going to have surgery. We were able to share the amazing news that she was gifted hours of help as she recovered from surgery. She no longer needed to worry about laundry, letting out her dogs, meal prep, running errands, etc. The organization not only helped their colleague but helped around eight help(her)s as well!

With your experience in this industry, what are some misconceptions or obstacles that you've had to overcome regarding on-demand hourly assistance services?

Women say "yes" when they should say "no," they don't keep their boundaries, and they apologize way too much. It's been a humbling role to help women change the way they think and give them opportunities to put themselves first. 

As a successful business owner, what advice do you have for other entrepreneurs looking to create a business model that bridges a gap in the market and makes a positive difference?

We all see solutions to problems- if you have a passion for change, our community needs you! As long as you know your "why" you will be able to lead yourself to make the proper decisions in building and growing your business. Your intuition is never wrong.

The pandemic has reshaped the way many businesses operate. How has Help(her) adapted to these changes, and how do you see its role evolving in the post-pandemic landscape?

I originally built Help(her) for small businesses; the pandemic opened our client base to everyone, specifically the businesswoman. Along with growing our help(her) database, we grew our recruitment database and have seen a significant increase in advocating for women in every job season (hourly, part-time, and full-time). 

Can you share a heartwarming or impactful client story that showcases the value and difference Help(her) has brought into someone's life or business?

I love hearing our clients share their stories with us!

I am so grateful to have found Yolanda through Help(her)! She is SO kind and efficient. I love having her around and I'm always amazed at what she accomplishes during the time.

Maritza was so helpful! She really gave me peace of mind during this move. She was organized, took initiative, and was so kind. I recommend her highly to anyone who is looking for packing/organizational assistance.

Francine was a pleasure to work with. She was easy going, efficient and full of ideas. She organized my son’s playroom, hung stuff on the walls and moved furniture around. She is a gem.

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern entrepreneurship, Help(her) emerges as a beacon of empowerment and change. Teresa O'Brien's journey from stay-at-home mom to the visionary creator of Help(her) is a testament to the boundless potential of bridging needs with solutions. Through the platform's commitment to skill, community, and empowerment, Help(her) has woven a tapestry of individuals seeking assistance who can connect with skilled helpers.

The stories shared by both Teresa and her clients echo the profound impact Help(her) has on lives and businesses. From heartwarming testimonials to innovative approaches, Help(her) demonstrates that the most effective solutions arise from a deep understanding of the community's needs. As we reflect on Teresa's remarkable journey, it's evident that the entrepreneurial spirit coupled with a passion for positive change can reshape industries, uplift individuals, and foster unity.

With Help(her), Teresa has not only crafted a platform but fostered a movement—an embrace of collaboration, empowerment, and support that reverberates across communities. As we witness the positive ripples Help(her) creates, we're reminded that behind every successful endeavor is a passionate individual who dared to dream, dared to act, and dared to make a difference. Through Help(her), Teresa O'Brien stands as a beacon of change, inspiring us all to envision, create, and make the world a better place, one helping hand at a time.


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