Embracing Motherhood and Fashion: The Rise of Mamacita Lifestyle Co.

In a world brimming with aspirations and determination, a young fashion enthusiast named Jessica Ferguson graduated from fashion school, her heart brimming with dreams of creating her own business. However, it wasn't until the transformative year of 2020 that she found the courage to embark on an extraordinary adventure and breathe life into her vision: Mamacita Lifestyle Co.

Before Mamacita came into existence, the talented entrepreneur, driven by her love for fashion, embarked on a professional journey in retail management for six years. With unwavering determination, Jessica Ferguson climbed the corporate ladder, yearning for that coveted role as a women's wear designer.

In its mysterious ways, the universe presented an unexpected twist when Jessica welcomed her son in the summer of 2018. The birth of her child became a turning point, a catalyst for change. She made the brave decision to leave her job, realizing that being present for her little one was far more precious than any career pursuit.

Transitioning into the realm of a full-time stay-at-home mom brought both beauty and unforeseen challenges. As the demands of motherhood consumed her days, she began to yearn for a creative outlet that would reconnect her with her authentic self. The search for that missing piece, the "me" that existed before the world of diapers and baby giggles, commenced.

In the summer of 2019, Jessica rekindled her connection with the working world, landing a part-time position at a local boutique. This brief respite from the confines of home and the opportunity to engage with like-minded adults rejuvenated her spirit. However, fate had its own plans, and 2020 ushered her back into the realm of full-time motherhood.

But this time, she embraced a fresh perspective. As her baby blossomed into a little person with each passing day, she, too, embarked on a journey of self-discovery. Armed with sketchbooks, a passion for DIY projects, and an unwavering commitment to nurturing her creative side while embracing her role as a mother, she delved into various artistic endeavors.

Months of exploration and experimentation led her to a pivotal moment when her supportive partner suggested a seemingly unconventional path: creating t-shirts. Initially skeptical, she recalled her days interning at a t-shirt company during college, believing that her fashion degree deserved more grandiose designs. However, she humbly recognized that fashion had no boundaries, no predetermined paths. And so, she embarked on a path of redefining "real fashion" as she wove empowering messages into everyday basics.

Driven by a deep desire to show her son the boundless possibilities of making dreams come true, bolstered by her husband's unwavering support, and propelled by a leap of faith, Mamacita Lifestyle Co. was born in September 2020. It became the embodiment of Jessica's aspirations, allowing her to run her business as a stay-at-home mom with her little companion by her side, cheering her on every step of the way.

Join us as we unravel the extraordinary journey of Mamacita Lifestyle Co., where passion, resilience, and the magic of motherhood intertwine to create a world of inspired designs and empowered dreams. Discover the triumphs, challenges, and soul-stirring moments that shaped Jessica's remarkable endeavor. Stay tuned for a blog that celebrates the pursuit of dreams, the art of self-expression, and the undeniable power of embracing all facets of womanhood. 

How would you describe the unique style and vibe of Mamacita Lifestyle Co.? What sets it apart from other brands?

When thinking of how I wanted to develop my business branding/style, there were three main things I wanted people to immediately feel when first seeing the brand; that it was fun, bold, and rich in Latin pride/culture.

From the bold red “M’ in the logo representing that spicy Latina flare to the bubbly fonts used on the tees embodying a sense of playfulness to the pairing of English and Spanish words that make up the beautiful “Spanglish” language, everything goes back to those feelings I wanted to evoke.

In addition, the name itself has everything to do with who I am as a Latina mama who is wholeheartedly SO proud of her motherhood journey and beautiful Latin heritage. I believe the combination of all these factors is what sets the brand apart. 

Could you tell us about your design process? Where do you find inspiration for your cute Spanish tees and accessories? 

Because I went to design school, I believe that my design process correlates strongly with what I was taught in my trend forecasting courses, and that is always started by researching the market. What colors/styles are trending, what is my target audience looking for, and what is potentially missing from the market?

In my case, I found that “Spanglish” inspired items were not heavily seen in the t-shirt/accessories sector. Now I am definitely not the first girl to make Spanglish tees, but I try to come up with sayings that are both true to me and my amazing customers.

When it comes to the inspiration specifically for the sayings, I decide to put on a tee or tote that really can come to me at any time. Sometimes I’ll be at the park with my son, eating dinner with my grandparents, roaming around Disney with my family, or even during a long car ride.  Sometimes a certain color or object can strike up inspo; however, the most important thing for me is writing it down or recording a voice memo (no matter if it sounds good or needs a little more brainstorming) as soon as I can not to forget it!

What are some of your favorite products that you have created? Are any particular designs that hold a special meaning to you? 

My favorite products I’ve created would definitely be the Coffee-Inspired tees. So far, I’ve released 4 coffee-loving tees over the past 2 years; Cafecito, Café con Leche, Iced Coffee Mami, and Necesito Cafecito. 

Growing up with Puerto Rican grandparents, coffee was introduced to me at an early age (Im 99% sure I've been drinking coffee since I was a baby). Sitting around the table with my grandparents drinking a delicious hot cup of coffee and chatting about life is one of my favorite things to do. Some of my fondest memories of my late abuelo were coming up with these coffee sayings during those talks at the table.

How do you connect with the Latin and mama community through your brand? Are there specific messages or values that you aim to convey? 

I am a third-generation Puerto Rican, and as a third-gen, I have always felt somewhat far away or disconnected from my culture despite how much I truly love it. I have sometimes felt like I was not  "Puerto Rican" or “Latina” enough because I was born here in the States or because my Spanish was not the best growing up (even though I learned the language first but lost it throughout my school years).

These sentiments play a HUGE role in why I decided to specialize in making "Spanglish" tees and accessories. To highlight the parts of my Latin culture/Spanish language, I do feel close with and want to honor. Like the vibrancy of our history, the music, the amazing food, and the liveliness of our people.

I wanted all of that to be translated into the physical goods and products I make while simultaneously creating a newfound community for others that may have a similar cultural experience to mine or for those that may simply find joy and beauty in it. 

As for the mama community, they are what keep me grounded deep in motherhood while continuing to build my business/brand. With Mamacita Lifestyle Co. I want mamas of all styles of life/work to feel seen and heard. Every mother makes the conscious decision to do what’s best for her and her children. And I want to be every mom’s cheerleader no matter what those decisions might look like for their family. 

Being that I have transitioned from full-time cooperate style work, to becoming a full-time stay-at-home-mom, to then pursuing part-time work to help with my mental health, and now becoming a small business owner, I have a new set of eyes to see moms at different parts of their journey, and the reality is they are all striving for the same thing: to do their best. 

Can you share some of the marketing events or pop-ups you've participated in around Central FL? What have been some memorable experiences? 

I have done quite a few different pop-ups here in Central Florida, predominantly in the Lakeland area with Buena Market. Buena Market (or the "Buena Familia" as I refer to them) has been where I truly believe my small business baby has flourished the most. This market and community of artists/creatives definitely give this Mamacita the much-needed fuel to keep pushing forward when the waves of life changes and business shifts occur.

(Buena Fam, if you’re reading this, te amo mucho)

I remember my very first market with Buena so vividly… I was SO nervous, yet extremely excited at the same time. It was back in March of 2021, and it would be the first time people got to see the face behind the brand and the first time I put myself/the product out there. I tried to muster up all those skills I gained through my years of fashion school and working in retail/customer service to *fingers crossed* have a smooth and successful market. 

It was actually a two-day market, and on the first day, I remember hearing people keep asking where “Mamacita” was. I had the smallest setup, a 4’x6’ tent, and a handmade “Mamacita” sign that now, looking back, I understand why they couldn’t find me. But even with my quaint little setup and first market jitters,  I was blown away when I had sold out of my first item. 

On day two, my sweet son and husband showed up towards the end of the market, and I was sold out of nearly every item I brought. I’ll never forget my then two-year-old son came running towards me full of joy (barely), holding onto a bouquet of flowers, and my husband frantically tried to catch him before he dropped them. My boys looked so proud of me…Yes, I cried like a baby (thankfully, I had a mask and sunglasses on), but it was by far the most memorable and sweetest market experience I’ve had. 

Have you collaborated with other brands or artists? If so, what was the outcome, and how did it impact your business?

I LOVE partnering with other small businesses and creatives in our community! Whether it’s through collaborative projects, fun giveaways, or exclusive merchandise, I'm here for it. 

One of the small businesses that we have been able to collaborate with is Little Bus Books. LBB is a Family-Owned Mobile Community Bookshop in Lakeland, FL. We love their mission and focus on broadening cultural perspectives through literature, and I have been fortunate enough to have designed three exclusive bookmarks for their mobile bookshop. Sometimes when LBB and I are set up at the same market, their sweet customers hunt us down to tell us how much they love the bookmark they picked up at LBB. It truly brings me so much joy.

Concurrently, the cross-promotion between both businesses helps raise awareness of each brand/business, introduces new potential customers, and forms an even greater feeling of community.

How do you ensure that your products are of high quality and meet the expectations of your customers?

This is HUGE for me. Being a fashion design graduate and former Retail Sales Manager, providing the customer with the best quality products (and service) is absolutely vital. I always try and put myself in the customer’s shoes. If I personally would not buy a product due to quality concerns— then a potential customer should not either.

When it comes to the production of our tees, I carefully inspect each shirt for any discoloration and or holes/tears before adding any vinyl application. Once the vinyl is applied, I go back to verify that the vinyl has adhered correctly and that there are no major imperfections (such as excess melting or wrong placement).

Upon production completion, each item is carefully steamed, hung up, and steamed again before any market or pop-up to guarantee. In addition to this, I have also utilized a test group to try out new products (typically when there’s a new style of tee or new product category) to get their honest feedback before it hits the market.

What are your future plans or goals for Mamacita Lifestyle Co.? Are any exciting projects or new designs in the works?

This is such a great question! Firstly, we have a summer market this July with the introduction of new tees and lifestyle products that I am MUY excited to share soon. After this market, I will take a small summer break to focus on family and mama life. It’s been a sweet season preparing my little guy for kindergarten, and I’ve been savoring every moment of our summer together! 

In the upcoming seasons of Mamacita Lifestyle Co, I would love to broaden our product assortment and offerings. Over the past year, we have introduced accessories and more lifestyle products, but in the future, it would be amazing to offer household items!

Some of my long(er) term goals would be to get our products into more retailers and potentially expand into our own brick-and-mortar or mobile.  *Fingers crossed, we can make this happen within the next year*

Could you share some insights or advice for other Latin/mama-owned businesses looking to make their mark in the industry?

JUST DO THE THING, AMIGA! Yes, that may sound simpler than it really is (and I wish I had believed that expression a little sooner), but it is far greater to fail while trying rather than failing to try. Listen, friends, if it’s in your heart, and you can't stop thinking/dreaming about it, you need to go do it! Whatever that “thing is,” we need it!

As a Latina, I have learned that my culture is so special, so beautiful, and meant to be shared with others. As a mother and now business owner, I have realized that A. You can be successful at both jobs and B. Only YOU can determine what that success looks like for YOU.

The journey of Mamacita Lifestyle Co. is a testament to the power of following your passion and embracing the transformative experience of motherhood. Jessica Ferguson's unwavering determination and creative spirit have allowed her to carve a unique path, blending her love for fashion with the joys and challenges of being a stay-at-home mom. Through Mamacita Lifestyle Co., she has not only created stunning designs but also fostered a community of empowered women who celebrate their individuality and embrace their own personal style. As Jessica continues to inspire others with her story, she reminds us all that with courage, resilience, and a little leap of faith, we can turn our dreams into reality. So, whether you're a fashion enthusiast, a fellow mompreneur, or simply someone seeking inspiration, remember that Mamacita Lifestyle Co. stands as a shining example of the extraordinary possibilities that can bloom when passion and motherhood intertwine.


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